About Interfarms Invest

The (inter)national agricultural world holds few secrets for Interfarms. Our organization is specialized in the domestic and foreign agricultural real estate market. Since 1997, we have been guiding Dutch farmers with the purchase of a farm and the start-up phase abroad. We do this through an expert network of Dutch-speaking consultants in more than 10 countries, spread over three continents. Within the Netherlands, Interfarms has a very close collaboration with renowned brokerage firms.

Knowledge of agricultural market worldwide

Thanks to this (inter)national network, Interfarms has valuable knowledge of the agricultural real estate market and the regulations of the various countries. This provides a clear insight into the future possibilities. Interfarms is at the forefront of the market and has the knowledge and local contacts to recognize interesting objects. This is how Interfarms Invest was born. Interfarms Invest offers several investment forms in agricultural real estate.


Investing in agricultural land is characterized by a low risk profile. Land retains its value and with good exploitation an interesting return can be achieved. Of course the returns differ per country.


Consultation without obligation

If you would like to know whether investing in land could be of interest to you, please make an appointment for a consultation.


Investment types

Interfarms Invest offers several different investment types. For example, we mediate in the purchase and we manage investment projects for entrepreneurs who operate completely independently in an investment object, but we also offer a fund for investors who want to invest in agricultural real estate without having a share in the company.

Interfarms Invest fund

You invest with your assets in the Interfarms Invest fund: an agricultural real estate fund worldwide. Your investment is fully guaranteed.

  • Loan with a term of 5 - 10 years
  • Guaranteed annual interest of 4%
  • Minimum investment €100,000

Participation in a project fund

You invest your assets in a project fund of Interfarms Invest; you are a co-shareholder.

  • Annual interest payment of at least 2%
  • Average return of 4 to 8% per year
  • Minimum investment €100,000

Investing independently

You invest completely independently in an investment project.

  • Interfarms acts as a purchase broker
  • Optional additional services, such as management and operation.

Initiators Interfarms Invest

The Interfarms owners - Frits Bennink and Hendrik Jan Achterhof - have extensive experience in purchasing investment objects worldwide. Together with Willem Buiter, director of Interfarms Invest, they invest in Danish farms.

  • Hendrik Jan Achterhof
    Hendrik Jan Achterhof T 06 - 5323 4693

    Als zeer ervaren NVM makelaar en bevoegd taxateur in het VastgoedCert-register levert Achterhof advies op maat. Complexe situaties weet hij op heldere wijze te analyseren en met zijn 'no-nonsense' aanpak tot uitvoerbare oplossingen te komen.

  • Frits Bennink
    Frits Bennink - directeur Interfarms T 06 - 5538 8761

    Onder de vlag van Interfarms is Bennink al meer dan 20 jaar actief in de emigratiebegeleiding en investeringen in het buitenland. Zijn jarenlange kennis en ervaring zijn van grote toegevoegde bij aankooptrajecten buiten Nederland.

  • Willem Buiter
    Willem Buiter - Interfarms Invest T 06 - 5539 2966

    Na eerst een akkerbouwbedrijf gerund te hebben in Nederland, investeert Buiter - samen met de andere Interfarms bestuurders - in investeringsobjecten in Denemarken. Zijn kennis en ervaring benut bij de aankooptrajecten voor beleggingen in het buitenland.

Free Consultation

Would you like to know what your options are for investing your assets in agricultural real estate?

Make an appointment without obligation via +31 (0) 528 39 11 11 or info@interfarms.nl
