Broiler farm located between Rødding and Tarm.

50 Ha. | Price on Request | For Sale | Chickens | ID 3004

Zuid-Denemarken, Denmark

Request information
50 Ha.
470400 Chickens
1 Home
1 Stable


For Sale
Asking Price Price on Request
State For Sale
modern en royaal woonhuis


  • Broiler chicken barns with a capacity of 470,400 broiler chickens with various feed storages and outbuildings
  • Modern and spacious house

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Denmark is a country located in Northern Europe. It occupies most of the Jutland Peninsula and several islands, including Zealand, Funen, Lolland, Falster, and Bornholm. Denmark borders Germany to the south and is surrounded by the North Sea to the west and the Baltic Sea to the east.


With an estimated population of approximately 5.8 million people, Denmark is one of the smaller countries in Europe in terms of population size. The capital and largest city of Denmark is Copenhagen, located on the island of Zealand, and it has about one and a half million inhabitants. The population of Denmark is generally very prosperous and enjoys a high standard of living. Currently, over 80% of the population lives in cities, and this number is expected to increase due to industrial growth. Most Dutch agricultural families live on the Jutland Peninsula. The Danes have a positive attitude toward the Dutch, especially because they integrate well.


The official currency of Denmark is the Danish krone (DKK). One krone is divided into one hundred øre. The Danish krone is used for all financial transactions in the country, and its exchange rate against other currencies is determined by financial markets.

Social affairs

Denmark is renowned for its comprehensive social security system, which focuses on the well-being of all citizens. The social system includes social assistance, healthcare, unemployment benefits, elderly care, and educational support. This extensive system contributes to equality and social cohesion in Danish society.


The education system in Denmark is of high quality and offers equal opportunities for all children. It is based on a combination of public and private schools, with public schools being free and private schools often providing additional educational offerings. The education system includes preschool, primary school, secondary education, and higher education, with options for both academic and vocational training.

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