Groningen, Netherlands.

258 Ha. | Price on Request | For Sale | Dairy cattle | ID 21763

Groningen, Netherlands

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258 Ha.
700 Dairy cattle
2 Homes


For Sale
Asking Price Price on Request
State For Sale
Soil Type
Commercial Buildings
Dairy Barn
Locatie 1: Royale ligboxenstallen voor ca. 700 koeien
State: Good
Milking Parlor
Locatie 1: 50-stands melkcarrousel met overdekte wachtruimte
Machine Storage
Feed Storage
Young Cattle Shed
Dairy Barn
Tweede locatie: ligboxenstal met 270 ligboxen
Locatie 1: woonhuis met schuurgedeelte en paardenstalling
Locatie 2: Woongedeelte met aangebouwde schuur


Large-scale and modern dairy farm with two locations for housing over 700 dairy cows and associated young stock. Total land area of approximately 260 hectares. The main location is situated at Noorderstraat 8, 9635 TG Noordbroek, consisting of a residential house with a barn section including horse stables and an outdoor riding arena, as well as a spacious garden with a lawn and terrace. The business section comprises generous cubicle barns for housing approximately 700 dairy cows, a 50-stall carousel milking parlor with a covered waiting area, equipment storage with space for single raw materials, young stock housing, roughage storage, paved yard, premises, garden, subsoil, and the associated agricultural land. The second business location is situated at Korengarst 12, 9635 VB Noordbroek, consisting of a residential section with an attached barn, a cubicle barn with over 270 cubicles, a former milking parlor with a tank room, roughage storage, paved yard, premises, garden, subsoil, and the associated agricultural land. For more information: Interfarms | Achterhof Real Estate, 0594-506223.
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The Netherlands

With a population of over 17 million and an area of 41,543 km², the Netherlands has a high population density of 504 per km². About 18% of its surface area consists of water, and a significant portion of the land and population is located below sea level. The country is protected from water through a system of dikes and waterworks. Polders have been created through land reclamation. The landscape of the Netherlands is flat almost everywhere. The Dutch landscape mainly consists of cultural landscapes and managed nature reserves. Over the centuries, not only has the natural environment changed, but due to the shrinking and fragmentation of habitats and environmental pollution, both the quality and quantity of nature have deteriorated. Efforts are being made through nature policy and private initiatives to reverse this trend.

Through diversification in agriculture, entrepreneurs must also try to generate income from non-agricultural activities. These include agricultural nature and water management, agro-tourism, and care farms.

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