Claudia Gloudemans

Claudia Gloudemans started her dairy farm on 15 January 1998. Together with her husband Twan and their three children, she lives in Hjo, Sweden. After a few years, Twan and Claudia were among the first Dutch to buy a farm here. At the time, they started with 98 cows in a corrugated barn.

Over the years, they built a cubicle barn three times, the last of which was commissioned in April 2023 with four Lely robots. Currently, the 2000 barn is being converted for two robots, but one will be installed initially, where new-calf cows and heifers will be milked.

Claudia is our purchase supervisor for Sweden. Being a farmer herself at heart, Claudia knows exactly what Swedish agriculture looks like and how agricultural regulations work in Sweden. Her own experiences and knowledge make her an excellent guide for others who want to take a similar step.

Twan and Claudia's journey in Sweden started modestly, but their perseverance and passion for farming have taken them far. With three cubicle barns and the latest technology on their farm, they remain progressive and innovative.

Claudia and Twan

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